Validation research is an important step in the development of a new product or service. It helps to ensure that your business idea is viable and that it addresses a real need in the market. There are several validation methods that can be used, including the Lean Startup Method, Minimum Viable Product, Riskiest Assumption Test, and Validation Board.
The Lean Startup Method is a way to test a business idea through a prototype, called the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP is a product with the absolute minimum of functionalities, but just enough to test the viability of the product. By presenting the MVP to the target group, it can be decided whether the product should be further developed.
The Riskiest Assumption Test is another validation method that can be done before the development of the product has started. This method involves identifying the riskiest assumption in your business model and determining whether it can be a deal breaker for the success of the product or service. This method also forces you to think about how this assumption can be made less risky.
The Validation Board is another method that can be used to validate and refine ideas or apply a pivot at an early stage. The basis of the validation board is to assign a specific definition to the potential customer and formulate the hypothesis of the problem that the customer wants to solve.
If you need help with validation research, please feel free to contact us. We are always open to meeting enterprising people!