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We turn complex societal challenges into great saas companies

Is your organization facing a complex challenge that impacts society? Or are you looking for an experienced venture partner? Get in contact with us.

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What we do

We solve wicked problems

We are a multi-disciplinary venture building team that solves complex societal challenges, driven by an organization and market demand. We then transform these solutions into impactful SaaS.

Our focus






venture users


jobs created


operational companies

Our infrastructure

For repetitive success

Over the years, we developed our own venture building infrastructure that enables us to make SaaS success repetitevely achievable.

Duodeka team


Our venture building team has recurring experience in building and scaling SaaS.

Duodeka playbooks


With our proven playbooks, SaaS success becomes inevitable.

Duodeka technology


We have built our own custom low-code platform to develop SaaS software fast.

Get involved with Duodeka

Get involved as an organization

Are you wrestling with a complex challenge that has societal impact, within your organization? And are you seeking a venture partner to tackle this problem? We are always open to organizations that want to build the SaaS products of the future with us.

Get involved as an entrepreneur

To build and scale our ventures, we're always on the lookout for ambitious venture leads. We're seeking experienced entrepreneurs with a commercial background. Will you build the next great SaaS company with us?

Get involved as a startup

Do you have a SaaS startup that addresses a complex societal challenge? But do you lack the manpower to accelerate and scale the business rapidly? Then we'd love to sit down and discuss the possibilities for a venture partnership.

Our team

We’re multi-disciplinary operators



Market research

Customer research

Software development

UX/UI design



Customer success


Human resources





Our ventures

From creation tot product-market-fit and from scaling to exit. We take our ventures from start to finish. View all our ventures on this page.

Duodeka venture faader


Pioneering privacy and risk mitigation in governmental entities

Privacy is becoming an issue for more and more people and specific professional groups. The internet provides access to a tremendous amount of data, which can create serious threats. Faader implements its own proprietary method in governmental bodies to mitigate those risks.

Duodeka venture CAPMAN


Closing the gap between demand and supply in healthcare

The gap between supply and demand is growing in more and more fields. Think of healthcare, education, and the police force. In the mountains of available data, overview is often lost. CapMan transforms this data into valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making. This helps address significant shortages and availability issues at an early stage.

Duodeka venture Flystart


The low-code foundation for SaaS that developers can build on

Software development is a costly and labor-intensive process. This creates problems within many organizations. Existing no and low-code solutions provide too rigid a foundation to build upon. Here arises a huge market opportunity for the low-code solution Flystart, which offers a robust foundation for software developers looking to accelerate development.

Duodeka venture Mr. Winston


Innovating in the hospitality industry with modern technology

For every hospitality establishment, the POS is a crucial artery for all internal processes and the entire customer journey. Winston innovates in this market, which is largely dominated by outdated technology. A chance that is amplified by the changing demands of hospitality entrepreneurs and a growing dissatisfaction with the current market leaders.


Pioneering privacy and risk mitigation in governmental entities

Privacy is becoming an issue for more and more people and specific professional groups. The internet provides access to a tremendous amount of data, which can create serious threats. Inpri implements its own proprietary method in governmental bodies to mitigate those risks.

Duodeka venture INPRI


Closing the gap between demand and supply in healthcare

The gap between supply and demand is growing in more and more fields. Think of healthcare, education, and the police force. In the mountains of available data, overview is often lost. CapMan transforms this data into valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making. This helps address significant shortages and availability issues at an early stage.

Duodeka venture CAPMAN


The low-code foundation for SaaS that developers can build on

Software development is a costly and labor-intensive process. This creates problems within many organizations. Existing no and low-code solutions provide too rigid a foundation to build upon. Here arises a huge market opportunity for the low-code solution Flystart, which offers a robust foundation for software developers looking to accelerate development.

Duodeka venture Flystart

Mr. Winston

Innovating in the hospitality industry with modern technology

For every hospitality establishment, the POS is a crucial artery for all internal processes and the entire customer journey. Mr. Winston innovates in this market, which is largely dominated by outdated technology. A chance that is amplified by the changing demands of hospitality entrepreneurs and a growing dissatisfaction with the current market leaders.

Duodeka venture Mr. Winston

Get involved

Are you looking for an experienced venture partner to tackle challenges with? Get in contact with us to discuss what we can mean for each other.